International Medical Cannabis Conference
University of Bern 2025

Dear colleagues from academia, clinics, and industry,

We are delighted to invite you to participate in the upcoming International Medical Cannabis Conference Bern (IMCCB-25), scheduled for February 13-14, 2025, at the University of Bern in Switzerland.
Building on the success of previous Swiss cannabis congresses, IMCCB-25 aspires to bring together a diverse assembly of leading researchers, clinicians, industry professionals, and other experts and opinion leaders from around the world.
The conference will cover a broad spectrum of topics, including basic and clinical methodologies, safety, analytics, pharmaceutics, regulatory and legal considerations, pharmacological insights, and technological advancements. Our emphasis is on practical implications for patients, researchers, medical persons, and industry leaders alike. Additional topics include palliative care, women medicine, pediatry, psychiatry and geriatric diseases, niche indications as well as non-medical cannabis use. The IMCCB-25 seeks to inform participants about the latest evidence and concepts regarding cannabis- and cannabinoid-based therapies. It aims to assist prescribers in practically implementing best practices based on current research, expert opinions and therapy guidelines. Furthermore, the conference provides a unique platform for the exchange of ideas and practices in medical cannabis among professionals and patients, fostering innovative and engaging discussions.
By attending IMCCB-25, you will undoubtedly become part of fascinating and lively debates that contribute to the collective knowledge in this expanding and challenging field. We eagerly look forward to welcoming you to the vibrant and wonderful city of Bern for this enriching and collaborative experience.


Jürg Gertsch and Rudolf Brenneisen
Conference chairs

First announcement

Conference Organisation:

Jürg Gertsch, University of Bern, Switzerland
Rudolf Brenneisen, University of Bern, Switzerland

Scientific Board:

Simon Nicolussi, SGCM-SSCM, Switzerland
Kristina Adorjan, University of Bern, Switzerland
Paola Luciani, University of Bern, Switzerland
Undine Lang, University of Basel, Switzerland
Joseph Tam, Hebrew University, Israel
Claude Vaney, Meyriez Hospital, Switzerland
Thomas Herdegen, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany

Confirmed speakers:

Thomas Herdegen, Kiel University, Germany
Margaret Haney, Columbia University, USA
Federica Bianchi, Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève, Switzerland
John Ioannidis, Stanford University, USA
Sandra Carrillo, Universtiy of Panama, Latin America
Anne Kathrin Schlag, Imperial College London, UK
Kent. E. Vrana, Penn State University, USA
Kisten Müller-Vahl, Hannover Medical School, Germany
Daniele Piomelli, University of California, Irvine, USA
Vincenzo Di Marzo, Université Laval, Canada
Beat Lutz, University of Mainz, Germany
Mahmoud ELsohly, University of Mississippi, USA
Markus Weber, Hospital St. Gallen, Switzerland
Joseph Tam, Hebrew University, Israel
Frank Zobel, Addiction Suisse, Switzerland

More information coming soon...